Project Čisto Škofjeloško

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Foto: Jošt Gantar

Foto: Jošt Gantar

Consumerism and the lifestyle habits of modern society are not directed towards reducing waste or more appropriate waste management. Therefore, in collaboration with stakeholders in the Škofja Loka area who are facing this issue, we will, through the project activities, raise awareness about the problem of waste quantity and encourage sorting, proper waste management, recycling, and their reuse.

We will focus on waste cooking oil, which too often ends up in drains and composts, yet a liter of improperly disposed oil can contaminate up to a million liters of drinking water. We will install 6 additional waste cooking oil collectors with sensors, thereby expanding the network of waste oil collectors in rural areas and increasing the amounts of collected waste oil. At the same time, as part of the zero waste initiatives in the municipalities of Gorenja vas – Poljane and Škofja Loka, we will reduce the amount of waste packaging at events by purchasing reusable cups.

We will also carry out procedures to include the municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane in the network of zero waste municipalities, which currently connects 16 Slovenian municipalities.


Project duration: July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024

ACTIVITIES (Phase 1 runs from July 1, 2023, to January 31, 2024, and Phase 2 from February 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024):

  • Media awareness campaigns on environmental protection and proper waste management
  • Installation of waste cooking oil collectors at 6 rural locations
  • Organization of workshops for children/youth on making candles from waste cooking oil
  • Publication of an informative brochure on the collection of waste cooking oil and environmental protection
  • Conducting 3 adult education sessions on the importance of collecting waste cooking oil
  • Purchase of reusable cups for the areas of the municipalities of Škofja Loka and Gorenja vas – Poljane
  • Presentation of the importance of collecting waste cooking oil, waste separation, or reducing the amount of waste at events in the Škofja Loka area
  • Organization of a green day and execution of a pilot event with less waste packaging
  • Activities for including the Municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane in the zero-waste network (development of a zero-waste strategy)
  • Conducting workshops for event organizers – presenting examples of good practices from zero-waste event implementations



  • Increased awareness among the residents of the LAS of the Škofja Loka hills regarding environmental protection, nature conservation, waste collection, recycling, and reuse.
  • Execution of activities for the gradual inclusion of an additional municipality in the LAS area - the municipality of Gorenja vas – Poljane into the network of zero-waste municipalities with the help of a zero-waste strategy.
  • By purchasing returnable packaging (eco-cups) available to event organizers, encourage events with less waste.
  • Establish collection points for waste cooking oil in rural areas as well.



Total project value: 69,835.39 EUR

Co-financing from CLLD funds: 52,126.04 EUR


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (active link) and the Republic of Slovenia within the framework of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 (active link).

The managing authority designated for the implementation of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2014-2020 is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The Development Agency Sora is responsible for the content.



  • A new measure implemented in the field of nature conservation.
  • Increased awareness among residents regarding environmental protection, nature conservation, reuse, and waste reduction.
  • Improved management of municipal waters or reduction of potential pollution of municipal waters.
  • Promotion of reuse.
  • Encouragement of innovation.
  • Installation of 6 containers for collecting waste oil.
  • Purchase of reusable cups for event organizers with an established rental system.
  • Activities for the establishment of a zero-waste strategy for the municipality of Gorenja vas - Poljane.
  • Organization of events with less waste in the municipalities of Škofja Loka and Gorenja vas – Poljane.



Razvojna agencija Sora, Poljanska cesta 2, Škofja Loka, E:; W:

Javno podjetja Komunala Škofja Loka, Kidričeva cesta 43a, Škofja Loka, E:; W:;

Zavod za kulturo in turizem Poljanska dolina, Poljanska cesta 87, Gorenja vas, E:; W:;


Participating partners:

  • Development Agency Sora Ltd. – lead partner
  • Institute for Culture and Tourism Poljanska Valley
  • Municipal Services Škofja Loka – partners


8.1.2024 Foto: Jošt Gantar

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